Business review and planning

This service ranges from a One Day Business Review to a Corporate – Strategic Planning Project, including a Business Plan Service with LAA’s involvement and contribution being determined by the clients requirements and available resources.

For a One Day Business Review, LAA would:

Organize the days activity, assume the role of facilitator for the review process, record the result and document action plans. The objective of the review would be to provide a thought provoking snap-shot of the business, based on the collective knowledge of key players and readily available information. Deliverables would include a clearer understanding of the organizations goals and objectives, key performance areas and an agreed action/activity plan for ongoing development.

For a Corporate-Strategic Planning Project LAA would provide a project management service to an agreed client brief which may include:

Facilitate planning development sessions, organize internal information gathering, undertake external research as necessary, preparation of draft and final reports for client review and approval. The objective would be to undertake a comprehensive strategic review of the organization and its markets, as a basis for investment consideration and future development. Deliverables would be agreed with the client as a key element of the project brief and scope.